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> What about English?
Beitrag 09.Sep.2004 - 18:22
Beitrag #1

Capparis spinosa

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Userin seit: 25.08.2004
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Well, on the old board I realised, that I was complaining about a dying thread in exactly this thread, which I thought would have died.
A little thread in English is definitely required in the kitchen as well. So someone has to start it...me...
But what talking about? All real topics are already covered with the other boards.

One topic was Björk, wasn’t it? Has someone already listened to her new album? How is it?

A couple of days ago I watched some Videos with ST Voyager episodes, which I haven’t seen yet. It was in English and I thought wow. What about Captain Janeway/ Kate Mulgrew? What a voice! And how she can modulate it (and manipulate other people with it)! Gorgeous! I never realised what a talented actor she is.
Has onyone else seen Voyager in the original version? The synchronised version is really lacking.

Bye bilana

Der Beitrag wurde von Bilana bearbeitet: 09.Sep.2004 - 18:27
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Beitrag 09.Sep.2004 - 18:42
Beitrag #2


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I haven't seen Voyager in the original version, but I experienced that movies are always better and much more fun to watch with the actor's voice instead of the dubbed one. Sometimes there are jokes in the dialogues which cannot be translated into German so that they leave them out altogether <_< What one can also notice is that some dialogues have a completely different meaning in the original version. Very often the translation seems quite strange and silly... :wacko:

Edit: typing error... :D

Der Beitrag wurde von OceanBlue bearbeitet: 09.Sep.2004 - 18:43
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Beitrag 09.Sep.2004 - 19:01
Beitrag #3

Capparis spinosa

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Well normally I watch a movie in English or German, so it's hard for me to tell exactly. The only English film that I watched in both languages was Charlie’s Angels. I only remember minor changes, but I think this film hadn't so much sense at all, so it wasn’t problematic. :D

In my opinion the thing is, that the people who speak the synchronised version are sort of failed actors, that’s why they do synchronising, not on-screen acting.
I also experienced this with TNG and The A-Team (don’t beat me, ok?). There some actors appear also much better in the original. But with Janeway's voice it was really stunning. She transporting so much emotions, just with her voice, which has such a wide range. It all is lost in the German version.

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Beitrag 09.Sep.2004 - 19:59
Beitrag #4


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I enjoy watching films in English with German subtitles. It means I can get the original sound and still make sure I understand everything even if the movie is in some strange dialect. I also watch English-only originals, of course, but I can remember some dreadful examples (eg "Driving Miss Daisy") where I just couldn't make sense of the dialogue - one of the cases where I would have gladly swallowed my pride and resorted to a German version! :D

I do think that films lose a lot in their dubbed version though. An example is my favourite, "Fried Green Tomatoes", where you just need Idgie's and Ruth Southern drawl to get properly into the atmosphere.

Anyway, my favourite example of a subtitle is from "Das Boot", which I watched the other way around, ie in German with English subtitles (this was on UK TV a long time ago). There was one scene where the crew was getting ready for their buffet dinner, and one of them said to the others "Dann mal ran an die Buletten!" Meaning, of course, that they wanted to move over to the buffet and get started. The subtitle, however, said, in a faithful translation: "Let's attack the meatballs!" ;)

Thanks @bilana for reviving the English thread! :)
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Sneaky Pie
Beitrag 09.Sep.2004 - 21:11
Beitrag #5


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have you ever listened to gillian anderson's original voice? it sounds really freaky high. in the german translation her voice sounds much better.
kate mulgrew is one of the talentst actors, i've ever seen. but you're right. in contrast to gillian anderson, she is better in the original edition.
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Beitrag 09.Sep.2004 - 22:23
Beitrag #6

Gut durch

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that's what i'm talking about!
movies translated into german always seem somehow mutilated to me... that's why i like dvds - i dig the language selection option ;o)
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Beitrag 09.Sep.2004 - 23:46
Beitrag #7

Capparis spinosa

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I really don't like subtitles. Even if I can understand everything very clearly I have to look at the subtitle, even if I cannot read it! It irritates me a lot. :blink:

Of course “Scully” is an infamous example for a German voice which is much better, than the original, but that’s just the sound. BTW I think the “market” for speaking German documentaries is completely in the hands of the voices of “Scully” and “Captain Picard”, but Patrick Stewart is still better in the original.

Kate Mulgrew’s voice is very unique. I needed 2 episodes or so to accustom, but then I found it quite powerful and sexy. Especially when she is speaking in this husky low voice it makes me sitting on the edge of my seat. And these glances, she can initiate a warp core meltdown with it. -_-

Sometimes the use of “Sie” is irritating. It gives relationships rather different meanings, compared to the original. It is cooling down things.

In Berlin we have a store where you can rent out videos, that is specialised of original versions only. That's a luck, because I refuse to sit in front of my computer, when I'm supposed to enjoy a good movie. And very old ones, like Repulsion you wont get on dvd.

Der Beitrag wurde von Bilana bearbeitet: 10.Sep.2004 - 00:01
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Beitrag 11.Sep.2004 - 23:45
Beitrag #8


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Userin seit: 11.09.2004
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hey there!

in times of dvd i watch everything in english (naturally) but i remember times i watched star trek on german tv, synchronised. then i didn't mind, but now i just can't listen to it anymore... :wacko:

(please, can anyone tell me in three sentences what happened to the old forum, whether it's gonna be back and, if so, when?


the dragon
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Beitrag 11.Sep.2004 - 23:59
Beitrag #9


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QUOTE (TiredDragon @ 12.Sep.2004 - 00:45)
please, can anyone tell me in three sentences what happened to the old forum, whether it's gonna be back and, if so, when?

three sentences? now there's a challenge :D

let's see :rolleyes:

1) we had to close the old forum down and move to temporary lodgings because we were putting too much strain on the server and risked being kicked out by the provider

2) yes; we have now acquired our very own server (as in: rented space on a server where we will be on our own and able to make as much noise as we want to) and all the data (including user accounts) from the old forum will be reinstalled, although we will lose all user accounts and threads from this temporary place

3) probably some time next week

any other questions? B)
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Beitrag 12.Sep.2004 - 13:29
Beitrag #10


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yeah...thanks to the dvd ;)
i'm not too fond of sub-titles...i always tend to read along, even if i understand enough to get the meaning...in my opinion each translation loses some of the humor and the 'flow' of the language. i'm also lucky enough to live close to a cinema where they show a lot of movies in the original version (as long as it's english..that is).
apart from that...is anybody also enjoying getting english literature (not least of all lesbian fiction :) ) via amazon? one of the greatest advantages of the www...
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Beitrag 12.Sep.2004 - 19:39
Beitrag #11


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QUOTE (regenbogen @ 11.Sep.2004 - 23:59)
any other questions? B)

nope. thanks a lot! (good news ;) )

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Beitrag 12.Sep.2004 - 22:01
Beitrag #12


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guess what I just read... did you know??

Rachael Stirling, who played Nan Astley in "Tipping the velvet", is the daughter of Diana Rigg, the famous Emma Peel in "The Avengers" - and if you look at the pictures they can't deny it either that they are mother and daughter.
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Beitrag 14.Sep.2004 - 08:13
Beitrag #13

Capparis spinosa

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Just yesterday I wanted to order some books for my upcoming holidays. Only one book out of ten was awaylable within a week. The others would take more than 2 weeks. I was quite disappointed, especially after I tried without success to buy some good English books in the Dussmann store.
What is it all about? The book shop around the corner is closing and everywhere else, where I try there is only the same stuff to buy. Marion Zimmer-Bradley, Terry Pretchet and silly cheap novels for women.
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Beitrag 15.Sep.2004 - 19:36
Beitrag #14


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hey, don't insult bradley and pratchett! :P
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Beitrag 15.Sep.2004 - 19:42
Beitrag #15


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@ time: yep!! I think Amazon is a really GREAT advantage of the www.!!!
I tend to order too many books there but it is a) always nice to receive packages and B) it is always nice to brush up your English with "good" and comparatively cheap literature! I really like to browse through their pages and see what kind of bargain offers they have - and there it goes again! I always buy at least one book!!! :-( But well - I can always try to tell myself that it is a good excercise and that it is worth the money :rolleyes:
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Beitrag 16.Sep.2004 - 09:14
Beitrag #16

No Title

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As blue moon mention in another thread a while ago, try also www.abebooks.de for cheap books. They might be cheaper in some cases. Useful sites for English books are also www.alibris.com, www.booklooker.de and www.strandbooks.com (have you ever been to The Strand in N.Y.C.? A huuuuuuge book store full of rare out of print books).

Der Beitrag wurde von revelo bearbeitet: 16.Sep.2004 - 09:17
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Beitrag 16.Sep.2004 - 10:50
Beitrag #17


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@ revelo: have been there a couple of times, although i'm not sure if i liked it or not...so many books (great!) but kind of confusing to find your way around. i preferred some of the smaller bookstores like the 'oscar wilde memorial bookstore' ;)

i always tend to order more than i wanted, too... it's too bad that amazon sometimes takes so long to send the books. haven't tried the other sites yet, but i think i'll take a look around (and probably end up with some more books again *g*).
why is it that even the huge bookstores don't have sections with lesbian/gay literature? it's not that they wouldn't sell.
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Beitrag 16.Sep.2004 - 12:16
Beitrag #18

Capparis spinosa

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Well I always think I have to order only one specific book, but once I'm logged in I also find this and that interesting and end up ordering several books.
There was a Kiepert store with a rather big section of gay and feminist literature, but they are bankrupt now. <_<

Don't mind, I'm just no big fan of fantasy and think it’s a pity that the glorious times of Scifi are somehow belonging to the past.
Once I read The Colors of Space from Bradley. At the end I was crying! Such a great story, so well and lovely written. Everything explained logically without to much techno babble. I was keen on reading more from this author but was quite disappointed. Couldn’t make much sense out of this Avalon stuff.

Der Beitrag wurde von Bilana bearbeitet: 16.Sep.2004 - 12:34
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Beitrag 16.Sep.2004 - 17:25
Beitrag #19


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ok, well, i too do prefer scifi, but i don't mind reading fantasy as well! ;)
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Beitrag 17.Nov.2004 - 17:13
Beitrag #20

Gut durch

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it's a shame the english-tread is about to die out... :wah:
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